2018: Fetzenleben
2010: Das Fahrzeug (novel)

2018: Fetzenleben (novel)

"Always them... Always the same... Always the same order... House is a box, think in a box, boxed-up life, boxed-up grave! A beer in the evening to distract from the emptiness of existence, seeps away in it; spirit drugged to forget they don’t live, merely exist with the goal of becoming replaceable. They dream systems - and awaken in a vacuum."

296 pages, German language.

Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-7481-3298-1
Paperback: ISBN 978-3-7460-2495–0

2010: Das Fahrzeug (novel)


A satire full of flirts, high art, revolutions... And sodium vapor!

Art. Erotic adventures. Toxic sodium vapor clouds. Famous authors, unknown composers, aspiring wannabe-terrorists, nervous real-estate sharks and music-loving, sociophathic contract killers:
All this and much more meets on this day in Westerstadt.
A day which starts rather harmless when Arnold Richter - student disillusioned seducer - builds a fascinating vehicle in the morning. But just as he impresses a woman with it and takes her home, the mess starts: An art-loving LSD-smuggler puts him on his kill-list, while a student who regards himself as an „revoluzzer“ wants to find out the vehicle’s secrets and attacks a chemical factory while at it.
A tour-de-force through many facets of today’s city- and cultural life!

244 pages, German language.

Hardcover: ISBN 978-3842-3254-94
Paperback: ISBN 978-3842-3247-18